Denied: Your Ex-Spouse Won’t Let You Be With the Kids

Visitation Rights in Albuquerque If you’re the non-custodial parent, child custody arrangements should still allow you to see and bond with your kids. If the order clearly defines your visitation schedule, your ex-spouse should comply with it. It is clear that the other parent is violating your visitation rights if they don’t allow you to see or be with the children.

When Your Ex Violates Your Rights

Despite your dedication and determination to see your kid, a stubborn parent will always stand in your way. It is both frustrating and heartbreaking if your ex won’t cooperate and has done everything to violate your rights. Divorce lawyers in Albuquerque note that this may include picking up the kids on schedule but they aren’t home or calling to talk to your child, but your ex won’t allow you.

Conversation with the Other Parent

You can resolve the issue by having a civil conversation with the other parent. Discuss with them the legal consequences of violating the custody and visitation orders. Many parents who deny rights to other parents are on their way of becoming criminals, with higher risk of losing their custody. Make sure, however, that you don’t threaten your spouse. It is best to be respectful and maintain a civil relationship.

Letting the Court Handle the Case

You can also choose to resolve the issue by filing a case. A help from a divorce or child custody attorney is beneficial if you wish to modify the custody. With this process, you need to document instances in which the other parent violates the visitation arrangement. Then, you can ask for order modification or prove your spouse as an unfit parent. If your claims are reasonable, you may be granted primary custody.

Don’t let an uncooperative parent abuse their power and deny you of your rights. If you are a determined parent working with a stubborn one, find the best way to resolve the issue. You can choose to talk to them or resolve it by filing a violation case.