Why Legal Professionals are Always in Demand

The demand for legal professionals is increasing each year both in private and public sectors. Because of this, more students are starting to take up law while more schools are offering paralegal degrees online. However,…

Close up of a visa form

Tips For Applying For A US Work Visa

For anyone interested in working in the US, getting the right papers and work authorization is mandatory. Even though the process can be challenging, there are a few things that an applicant can do to…

5 Misconceptions About Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious matter. The number of abused partners grows each year, and the cases related to it seem to be getting worst. Educate yourself by breaking the misconceptions about domestic violence. Here…

Two People In a Date

Is it Okay to Date During Divorce?

Divorce can be a lonely and stressful time for many couples. This is why some try to have fun and meet someone new during the settlement. While dating at this time of life can make…

America’s Divorce Situation by the Numbers

America’s divorce rate is a source of curiosity for many. Compared to other countries, is it relatively high or low? When American couples marry, it’s not really a guarantee that they’ll stay together; a fact…