cash claims

MOJ Issues Regulation Bulletin to CMCs

Fines, fees, advertising standards and Legal Ombudsman procedures are just some of the issues covered in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ)’s December 2014 bulletin on claims management regulation. Concerns have been raised in the past…

no smoking

Smoking is Dangerous

A Florida smoker was recently awarded $35 million in damages for having to go through two lung transplants because of emphysema and chronic pulmonary diseases. The man at the center of the suit is sixty…

family law

And The Money Kept Rolling Out

The dissipation of marital assets is a legal ground for divorce in many states and territories. It means one spouse is using the couple’s common funds irresponsibly or without the knowledge or consent of the…

divorce service

Approaching Divorce Mediation Effectively

Many divorcing parents use the process of mediation to resolve their differences and eventually lessen the scars of the long and grueling battle. To develop a parenting plan for their kids after divorce, most parents…